Read our AFM-SECM Application Note!
2018, Applications, News, Product Promotion /0 Comments/by ChristinaScuba Probe is looking to hire a MEMS/NEMS Engineer
2018, NewsScuba Probe Technologies embraces creative thinking and intellectual curiosity to help drive the capabilities of scanning probe microscopy. We have a collaborative culture that fosters innovation and we are looking for an engineer to join our team!
Scuba Probe is awarded a DOE Phase IIB SBIR grant
2018, NewsScuba Probe Technologies was awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant by the Department of Energy (DOE Phase IIB) to develop and commercialize SPM probes for quantitative electrical and electrochemical characterization in liquids.
A recent publication highlights encased cantilevers
2018, News
Check out our recent publication highlighting a new feature of encased cantilevers. Electrostatic actuation results in textbook-like Lorentzian peaks in vacuum, air and liquids. Calibration of optical lever sensitivity is no longer required since target amplitudes are set directly by choosing the drive voltage.
Scuba joins QB3 Incubator
2018, News
Photo QB3 lab Space
Scuba Probe Technologies becomes a resident of the QB3 Garage. This incubator space at Stanley Hall on the UC Berkeley Campus offers more laboratory and desk space to further growth the company.